Current About A Delicate Fantasy dandelion logo image

About A Delicate Fantasy
A Delicate Fantasy is the watercolour work of artist mu (Mu McDonald-Bell).
Watercolours inspired by flora & fauna, with a delicate fantasy.

Previously created in mu's studio aboard a narrowboat, living on water inspired original watercolours of flora & fauna of the British countryside, infused with a delicate fantasy. Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror also wove strands into the tapestry of murpworks afloat.

Now based in Glastonbury, watercolours still occupy the hours, in the 'tower' (it's like a tower - there are a lot of stairs).

A Delicate Fantasy was born out of the desire to create watercolours that went beyond a nice view or a representation of a flower or animal. There is a need to go beyond, there is something more. The normal and commonplace are filtered through thoughts and lead to a world of delicate fantasy.

mu, together with rp make up murpworks.

Fine Art About image

Fine Art
mu studied Fine Art and it is with this background that she aims to pursue A Delicate Fantasy. Whilst many of the works developed here do not fall into the category of Fine Art, over time narratives will be developed with it purely in mind.

The understanding that Fine Art is the purest of things, seeking elevation above everyday life is a given. It co-exists precariously with the commercial art world. The challenge of everyone is to pursue art, not commerce for it is when we pursue art, we pursue life itself.

But then again, we have to eat...

About murpworks
murpworks is the creative home of artist mu and writer rp. Together, we make up murpworks (as we go along). mu draws, paints, animates & creates, rp photographs, writes & tries to co-ordinate. There are a whole load of influences that are many and varied

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